We guarantee all of our board used in our kitchens and joinery has been sourced from Australian suppliers and manufacturers.
One of our main suppliers is Laminex Industries.
Laminex is leading the way in developing environmentally preferable product solutions. We are proud to support the Laminex Group’s exciting developments to provide even more sustainable solutions.

You should always seek to find out where the board product used in your kitchen is being sourced from.
Can you trust the source of the product? Can you trust the manufacturing processes of the product? Is it safe to be in your home? Is it sustainable? By sourcing Australian Products we can trace the origin of the board products we use. In using Australian sourced board products we can guarantee the processes used during the manufacture of the board products are tested and transparent to the highest of regulations.
Laminex is at the forefront of change in the area. By using the “…extensive range of environmentally preferable products, you not only improve your Indoor Environmental Quality but you help preserve our natural forest…” Read more about the Laminex Group’s exciting innovations… click here.
Whenever we support Australian business we are supporting each other not only now but for future generations. Please join us…

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